Matt Smith Vs Russell Brand: Timey Wimey , Bloggy Woggy.

Perhaps the only things Matt Smith and Russell Brand have in common are that they both hail from England and have both appeared on high profile television series/movies.

Despite their vast array of differences I for one,enjoy them equally.

One is a tall , lanky figure ,slightly awkward and nerdish with floppy hair that covers his brow and underneath it sad, big eyes-greyish in color, are revealed. A sweet smile sometimes graces his face , that otherwise looks contemplative or slightly surprised. There is something about those men who some might consider unusual that I find very appealing. Or indeed intriguing.

Matt Smith is not ,upon first glance,your average sex symbol. Sure , he has SOME of the obvious pre-requisites e.g: Fame, Fortune , Success and what have you-but if he didn’t would he be noticed quite so much? The optimist in me would hope so. But who the hell knows?!

He is not particularly scandalous either and to my knowledge despite historically being known for time travel in a small blue box does not indulge in the consumption of drugs.

Frustratingly for some of the more dire “Whovians” , Matt Smith does not appear to have much of a web presence at all. This is an incredibly rare situation. Although perhaps by saying nothing , he says a lot.

Oh how I pine for the eleventh Doctor with his song-like voice and squeamish make-out scenes. I do not have one ounce of inclination to like (or actually watch) his predecessor. Apologies, but as far as I am concerned Peter Capaldi is Sid’s cranky,swearing,chain-smoking, inappropriate Father from Skins and that is that!I am aware he probably appeared in some other things a long the way but this blog entry isn’t about him!(Also it will forever baffle me as to why he was encouraged to use his natural Scottish accent and why David Tennant was asked to use an English one?). But whatever.

I shall admit here and now that I have a deep , dark blue, “Timey Wimey/Wibbly Wobbly/Would you like a jellybaby?” not-very-well kept secret.

That is , that I am what you would call a “Whovian”.

I made this discovery one night , about two years ago in the early hours of the morning in the first six or so months of my daughters life when sleep was very rare and unlikely to occur at ALL.Doctor Who re-runs on ABC 2 became my personal savior. David Tennant is my (and indeed my daughters) “First Doctor” and the rest-as they say– is history. Before I knew it we were huddled in bed together underneath our TARDIS throw rugs and I often awoke with a Sonic Screwdriver embedded in my back.Yes, it did make the “Weew weew weew” noise and yes, it lights up neon green.

For those not in the know , Doctor Who has a very convenient premise in the plot. That is , when The Doctor “Dies” for whatever reason he then has the ability to simply regenerate into a new body. Probably why the show is now in it’s 51st year of production. Genius!

I have anxiety about this because I become attached to one Doctor and then the inevitable happens. Limbs are flung to the sky , heads are thrown back , bodies writhe in awkward positions , dramatic music plays and a large tunnel of beaming light , stars and golden dust pulse suddenly through the body , come out through the tips of the fingers and into the sky and BAM! New DOCTOR!

No matter what Matt Smith appears in from here on in I shall always think of him as “The Doctor” much in the same way that I shall fondly think of Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter,despite his recent appearance on Jimmy Fallon as apparently the next Eminem.

If I could say one thing to Matt Smith it would be:

Wear the Bow Tie!”.

The Fez is also acceptable.

Russell Brand,when I have seen him pictured or on television is almost always shirtless, attired in skinny black jeans with legs like a couple of pieces of liquorice, tatted-up , smoking what may or may not be a cigarette , has hair like a bird’s nest and strangely a relatively groomed beard- probably making a swift exit,shoeless from a party hosted by Kate Moss or Noel Fielding.

To me,he embodies nothing that you should,could or would want to take home to your mother and everything you probably want to take home.

I will never quite understand why he got married in the first place. He is a self confessed addict to many things, sex and substances at the top of the list. Addictions are selfish. I don’t blame Katy Perry for wanting to try but the poor dear probably had no idea what she was getting herself into.

That being said he is incredibly charismatic , charming and easy to listen to. A comedian , actor and now self-proclaimed revolutionary , what can’t Russell Brand do? Hell,he even has a range of children’s books!

I am going to make a fair assumption here and guess that if you are reading this male or female at some point in your life you have probably had a sexual fantasy about the man. If you haven’t don’t lie! It is unbecoming and I can see straight through you.

I do have some criticism to point out though , for example he points out the faults in the economy , current government and systems in place -probably from a home worth millions of dollars. Yes love , you are making a valid point and people will listen due to your high profile but perhaps, take the actions required to support your words.

Also “Booky Wooky”…Really? Cute , but Russell you only got away with that because you’re Russell Brand right?

In conclusion like most females , I have absoloutely no idea what I want in a potential mate because I have contradictory tastes in both personality , characteristics and overall appearance.

I like chalk just as much as I enjoy cheese.

Good luck male species.

You are going to need it.



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